Hi I tried to upload file in json format but after uploading whole json is showing as single entry and no event getting gerenated from it. What is the correct JSON format for splunk? Is there any special format of JSON that Splunk understands?
I found the answer to my question.
The json file should be in below format
Just upload the file it will get indexed and search queries also work nicely
I found the answer to my question.
The json file should be in below format
Just upload the file it will get indexed and search queries also work nicely
no special format. just json
you may need to do INDEXED_EXTRACTIONS = json in props.conf..
there is also search time KV_MODE=json
(but do not set both KV_MODE and INDEXED_EXTRACTIONS ...its an either or,,, will get duplicate fields if both set)
What are your props.conf settings for that sourcetype?