i have a csv file which is comma delimited
i am creating an inputs.conf file and sending this file to HF
but when i search, all the data is on single line, the comma is not honored.
how to set it up so that comma is honored and i can see individual columns as data after ingest..
you can use "Add Data" UI Option to create working props.conf and only then when you sure that it 100% works copy the config to UF/HF. Be aware that UI wizard creates props.conf with INDEXED_EXTRACTIONS which leads to CSV files are being parsed on UF.
i tried using the Add Data UI on test box , but it did not create the props.conf in the app, although the delimit worked, but i need a working copy of props.conf to put on the uf agent.. any ideas ?
So i dont need the props.conf if i use this method ?
i see its creating a sourcetype...
you can work with the wizard until it works and then in the second step (set sourcetype) open "Advanced" section and use "copy to clipboard" link - it opens a new popup window with a text area where you can copy the working props.conf configuration. Then cancel the wizard and use the copied date to create props.conf either on UF or on HF.
Be aware that you can parse CSV on UF directly and send it to Indexer directly, skipping HF. Alternatively you can just send raw data to indexer and parse & index there. In both cases no HF necessary.
i did exactly what you said, but i still get data with columns, its just not honoring the delimiter.
however , on the UI, i can see them splitting correctly by comma.
but from the UF agent its not doing the splitting by columns based on comma.
below is props.conf
[ MSSAlertsCher ]
description=Comma-separated value format. Set header and other settings in "Delimited Settings"