i am test '_tcp_routing' in my virtual machines, before doing that on online system.
simply i add:
_tcp_routing = forward-group
to inputs.conf
server = anothersplunkinstance:9997
to outputs.conf
i did these configuration before first-time-run-splunk
after i started splunk --accept-license
i found nothing in splunk, idx main is clean(supposed to receive some other data), even _internal, _*** were all empty.
did 'tcp_routing' forward all my data to anothersplunkinstance:9997,which i set up as an Universal Forwarder?
Wow. This is such an old article that deserved a belated response.
I wonder where you put your inputs.conf and outputs.conf because that matters.
Use btool to get the final configuration that Splunk accepts, and also review this documentation for more info.