My raw log is like this:
2017-05-22 01:00:01 dst: src: port:60046 count:6
2017-05-22 01:00:01 dst: src: port:38026 count:2
2017-05-22 01:00:01 dst: src: port:33967 count:2
2017-05-22 01:00:01 dst: src: port:43973 count:3
And the count of raw log is 409767.
All of the time is 2017/05/22 01:00:01 in raw log.
But splunk extract timestamp is 2017/05/22 01:00:01 2017/05/22 01:00:02 2017/05/22 01:00:03 2017/05/22 01:00:04 2017/05/22 01:00:05
I use this search comand "sourcetype=test |stats count by _time",and got this result.
_time count
2017/05/22 01:00:01 100000
2017/05/22 01:00:02 100000
2017/05/22 01:00:03 100000
2017/05/22 01:00:04 100000
2017/05/22 01:00:05 9767
I have set TIME_FORMAT=%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S in props.conf,but doesn`t work.
I also use this "sourcetype=test | fieldformat _time=strftime(_time,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") "
The timestamp return aN/NaN/NaN NaN:NaN:NaN.000
Anyone know how to solve this issue?
The time format logic should Work. Just tested as below
|makeresults | eval _time="2017-05-22 01:00:01" | eval myEpoch=strptime(_time,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")| eval reConvertTime=strftime(myEpoch,"%FT%T")
In your props Try putting and restarting Splunk
TIME_FORMAT=%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
Props you have defined, is it under search or your custom app?
Solved. Thank you so much.
The time format logic should Work. Just tested as below
|makeresults | eval _time="2017-05-22 01:00:01" | eval myEpoch=strptime(_time,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")| eval reConvertTime=strftime(myEpoch,"%FT%T")
In your props Try putting and restarting Splunk
TIME_FORMAT=%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
Still doesn`t work, it should be splunk limit.