Has anyone seen this before? PDF server status page generates a pdf as expected and it seems to work, the error below is when used with an email alert.
ERROR An error occurred while generating a PDF of this report: Failed to contact appserver at http://splunkserver:8000/en-US/report/: HTTP Error 504: Gateway Time-out
I'm running splunk 4.3.2.
So, I got the pdfserver working again and the solution for my system was to disable ipv6.
tuxford, where did you disable the ipv6 ?
So, I got the pdfserver working again and the solution for my system was to disable ipv6.
You can try this if it's timing out:
Step 1. Stop Splunk Splunkweb
Step 2. Make a copy of init.py, under path $SPLUNK_HOME/lib/python2.7/site-packages/splunk/rest
Step 3. Edit path $SPLUNK_HOME/lib/python2.7/site-packages/splunk/rest/__init__.py
Step 4. Make the change on line 28 - up the timeout to 60 seconds.
lines 26 - 28
#number of seconds to wait for splunkd HTTP connection to complete before
#raising a socket.timeout exception
Step 5. Restart Splunkweb
The change did not help, still seeing the same error.
The last time pdfserver was working was on splunk 4.3.1 on 1th of may on this server. There has been some os updates since then that might be the cause of the failures now, and also splunk was updated yesterday to 4.3.2. I've now tested with fresh installations of splunk 4.3.1/4.3.2 and the same error on both on this server, so the version of splunk is probably not the cause. Currently running Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.2 (Santiago) with all the newest updates.
sorry i have no other ideas...
Yes, also http://splunkserver:8000/en-US/debug/pdf gives me a pdf in the blue box.
I presume the url in the first error http://splunkserver:8000/en-US/report/ is ok too?
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ssd/splunk/bin/rest_handler.py", line 84, in
Are you able to access this link:
It's local.
is the pdf server remote or local?