Hi folks,
What are reasons for my output queues to get filled????
I have my HF on azure cloud.It was working properly and sending data to the splunk cloud.Suddenly, out of the blue, the hf stooped sending all logs( internal and configured ones )to my splunk cloud .I have noticed that my output queue is full and blocked data for a week after that it got fixed up on its own.Now there in no issue.
There was no difference in terms of events for that issue period.
My architecture:
UFs to hf on azure to splunk cloud.
Any thoughts?
Queues fill up when they can't send events to the next part of the pipeline. In the case of the output queue, it happens when data can't be sent to the indexer(s). That may be because the indexer is down or there's a network problem or perhaps other reasons. The problem may have fixed itself because the indexer came back up or the network was fixed.