How to calculate file size size which is indexed in splunk.
For example
two files indexed at splunk and i want to calculate the size of the source after index.
Hello @premranjithj,
I use the following search to list the top sources by size:
index=_internal source="*license_usage.log" type=usage
| eval KB= b/1024| chart sum(KB) as sum_KB by s | eval sum_KB=round(sum_KB,0) | sort - sum_KB
| head 10
| rename s as source
Set the time picker accordingly, e.g. Last 24 hours.
if you want those two specific sources then use:
index=_internal source="*license_usage.log" type=usage (s="xx1.log" OR s="xx2.log")
| eval KB= b/1024| chart sum(KB) as sum_KB by s | eval sum_KB=round(sum_KB,0)
| rename s as source
Hello @premranjithj,
I use the following search to list the top sources by size:
index=_internal source="*license_usage.log" type=usage
| eval KB= b/1024| chart sum(KB) as sum_KB by s | eval sum_KB=round(sum_KB,0) | sort - sum_KB
| head 10
| rename s as source
Set the time picker accordingly, e.g. Last 24 hours.
if you want those two specific sources then use:
index=_internal source="*license_usage.log" type=usage (s="xx1.log" OR s="xx2.log")
| eval KB= b/1024| chart sum(KB) as sum_KB by s | eval sum_KB=round(sum_KB,0)
| rename s as source