I use a simple query to determine the amount of data I've sent to splunk:
|eval esize=len(_raw)
|timechart sum(esize) span=1h
This is pretty expensive when ran over long timeranges. I also tried this:
|dbinspect index=x
|eval date=strftime(startEpoch,"%F")
|chart sum(rawSize) over date
|rename sum(*) -> *
The results are different, dbinspect reporting lower values than len(_raw).
Any ideas on a cheap way to get the right results?
I usually get that sort of info from the license usage events in _internal.
index="_internal" source="*license_usage.log" type=Usage
| bin _time span=1d
| stats sum(b) AS bytes by _time,idx
| eval DailyGB=bytes/1024/1024/1024
| timechart sum(DailyGB) by idx span=1d