There is one setting for browser caching in the web.conf:
use_future_expires = [True | False]
* Determines if the Expires header of /static files is set to a far-future date
* Defaults to True
Oddly, overriding this setting to "False" does not appear to change the behavior of the web server:
Splunk (7.1.2) was restarted between web requests and an 'Empty Cache and Hard Reload' was performed in the browser (Chrome). I was reviewing the headers of the default.css file.
Putting this behavior aside (which may be due to a simple misunderstanding on my part)...
The current default value for max-age in the Cache-Control header is so large (1 year) that changes to static files do not propagate to the users quickly forcing them to clear their browser caches.
I'm hoping there is a way to override the default value of max-age?
The idea would be to set it to a value of 86400 or 172800 (1 or 2 day(s)) to allow changes to flow out to users without disruption in about a day or so but not disable browser caching entirely.