Getting Data In

if-else statement with timeframe


I would like to specify my search to return a previous months + the current months data if the count outputted by just the current months data is less than 0. How would I do that?

Right now I have earliest = @mon for the current months data. How do I implement the if else statement?

I have this right now. Would this be in the first pipe?
eval (if count(data) <=0, earliest= -1mon@mon, else earliest=@mon )

0 Karma

Esteemed Legend

Like this:

Index=YouShouldAlwaysSpeciryINdex AND sourcetype=AndSourcetypeToo AND other stuff here
earliest = -1mon@mon latest=@s
| bucket _time span=1mon
| stats sum(YourFieldWithValuesHere) AS monthlyCount BY _time
| transpose
| tail 1
| eval count = if('row 2' <=0, 'row 1', 'row 2')
| table count
0 Karma


A count cannot be less than zero. What are you trying to achieve?

In general, my approach would be to calculate the two items, then throw away the unwanted if the test is not met. Eventstats is useful for generating aggregations for that test. Here's one way to do that, in pseudocode...

 your search that gets all the data
 | eval  myflag= if (the event is this month,"Now","Before")
 | eventstats ... some aggregate command that adds up whatever you want to test for this month...
 | where myflag="Before" OR some test on the aggregate
 | the rest of your logic

If you only want the aggregated data, then use an actual stats command instead of eventstats, and add myflag as one of the group by fields.

0 Karma

Revered Legend

If your base search only includes metadata fields (host/index/source/sourcetype ) or any index-time extracted fields, you can run something like this

index=foo sourcetype=bar  [| tstats count WHERE index=foo sourcetype=bar earliest=@mon | eval earliest=if(count=0,"-1mon@mon","@mon") | table earliest ] | of the search


@shreyad, what have you tried so far? Also what does the base search looks like for you? Is it based on only metadata fields like index sourcetype etc. or does it involve other Search Time extracted fields as well.

| makeresults | eval message= "Happy Splunking!!!"
0 Karma


There is an index, sourcetype and host. All I have tried is what I posted and "earliest = @mon." But that does not solve my issue of wanting to output the previous months data iff the count of the current month is <=0.

0 Karma

Revered Legend

What search are you running?

0 Karma
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