Hi splunk47,
take a look at the docs http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.2.1/RESTREF/RESTaccess#POST_authentication.2Fusers.2F.... how to use REST api to do this.
cheers, MuS
Hi splunk47,
take a look at the docs http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.2.1/RESTREF/RESTaccess#POST_authentication.2Fusers.2F.... how to use REST api to do this.
cheers, MuS
if i want to change only admin password by supplying old and new password ... how this can be achieved through rest api
An admin can change anyone else password, with just the new password.
curl -k -u admin:adminpassword https://localhost:8089/services/authentication/users/testuser -d password=Passwordnew
but an user need to pass it's old and new password to do it :
curl -k -u testuser:Passwordold https://localhost:8089/services/authentication/users/testuser -d password=Passwordnew -d oldpassword=Passwordold
It's all in the docs http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.2.1/RESTREF/RESTaccessExamples#authentication.2Fusers.... read it, try it with a test user - succeed 😉
In the search head i tried to change the password of a user using below command, i got the success xml response but with the new password i am not able to login.
curl -k -u admin:temp https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/search/storage/passwords/user1 -d password=pwd_temp
Just did that:
curl -k -u admin:changeme https://localhost:8089/services/authentication/users/admin -d password=changeme123
and it worked like a charm check the URL you used, looks different to mine...
ok thanks .. i think storage password section will me more appropriate for changing password