I have a datasource that reads in events in XML format. Could someone please help me build a props.conf that will extract all fields and show the events in treeview. Sample event below:
Fri Aug 07 13:42:37 EDT 2015 name="QUEUE_msg_received" event_id="ID:414d51204d514942513032202020202055bdd7d620016441" msg_dest="QA.EA.ELOG.BUSINESSEVENT1" msg_body="<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><v1:BusinessEventRequest xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:v1="http://schemas.humana.com/Infrastructure/Utility/Logging/BusinessEventRequest/V1.1"><v1:Busine... xmlns:mstns="http://enrollmentservices.humana.com/Schema/BAMSchema/v1.0"><mstns:EventSource>FileIntake&l... upload requested</mstns:MilestoneEvent><mstns:MilestoneState>Begin</mstns:MilestoneState><mstns:DataElements><mstns:FileName/><mstns:FileSize>9008</mstns:FileSize><mstns:AdditionalInfo>File upload requested</mstns:AdditionalInfo></mstns:DataElements></mstns:Milestone></mstns:BAMEvent></EventInformation></v1:BusinessProcessInformation></v1:BusinessEvent></v1:BusinessEventRequest>"
The problem is that I tried using KV_MODE = xml but the data contains some non xml fields hence the extraction doesn't work. I found a solution, that is defining in props.conf:
Report-xmlkv = xmlkv -alternative
In transforms.conf
REGEX = <([^\s>])[^>]>([^<]*)<\/\1>
FORMAT = $1::$2
This works and I was able to successfully extract all the XML tags as a field.
We can also | xmlkv for search time extraction but the client wanted the business users to understand the data in simplistic fashion.
This was very helpful for my situation where there is a mix of xml and non xml.
I had to tweak my regex in transforms.
The problem is that I tried using KV_MODE = xml but the data contains some non xml fields hence the extraction doesn't work. I found a solution, that is defining in props.conf:
Report-xmlkv = xmlkv -alternative
In transforms.conf
REGEX = <([^\s>])[^>]>([^<]*)<\/\1>
FORMAT = $1::$2
This works and I was able to successfully extract all the XML tags as a field.
We can also | xmlkv for search time extraction but the client wanted the business users to understand the data in simplistic fashion.
In your props.conf, you should be able to use KV_MODE = xml
to extract xml data
You could use the spath command in search to extract fields at search time