Getting Data In


Path Finder

I have Splunk for Windows installed and want to check the WindowsUpdate log.
I am receiving the log correctly and have setup sourcetype to be WindowsUpdateLog as needed.
However I don't have any fields extracted.
I tested by applying the transform pid-tid-component_for_windowsupdatelog manually as:

rex "^\S+\s+\S+\s+(?<pid>\S+)\s+(?<tid>\S+)\s+(?<component>\S+)"

And the fields are extracted correctly.
Why aren't they being extracted on regular search? I must be missing something...

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1 Solution

Path Finder

Found the problem.
The fields objects (transform and report) where by default configured in App context only so did not work on the Search app.
Changing the relevant objects to Global makes it work as expected.

View solution in original post

0 Karma

Path Finder

Why can't I edit my post?
Whem I try to edit the title and save, it say "This field is required" under "update summary" although I fill it up.

0 Karma

Path Finder

Found the problem.
The fields objects (transform and report) where by default configured in App context only so did not work on the Search app.
Changing the relevant objects to Global makes it work as expected.

0 Karma
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