My event timestamp and timestamp within my results are not same while i am searching in Splunk Web but some scenarios it's working fine. i attached the screen shots below.
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The most likely answer is this: the log file is probably recording the data in the local time zone of the host. That is the time that you see in the body of the Event.
When the data is indexed into Splunk, the timestamp (the Time column in the screen shot) is converted to UTC and then stored with the original event data.
When you search, the timestamp is displayed, the Time column is displayed in the timezone that you have chosen as a user.
For some data, it is likely that your user timezone is the same as the original data, so it matches. For other data (hopefully collected from a server in a different timezone), it won't match. If this seems wrong to you, then you should confer with your Splunk Administrator to ensure that the timestamps/timezones are being extracted properly when the data is ingested into Splunk.