Hi community! I've tried and exhausted all my brain cells but I still couldn't make this work. Any ideas?
Below is deployed into a Windows 11 machine, running UF 9.1.1
Thanks to reddit user u/chadbaldwin who pointed out that the fault was in using `Write-Host` rather than `Write-Output`; whereas `Write-Host` isn't something Splunk is able to capture.
Replaced the script to use `Write-Output` and it's now working.
Thanks to reddit user u/chadbaldwin who pointed out that the fault was in using `Write-Host` rather than `Write-Output`; whereas `Write-Host` isn't something Splunk is able to capture.
Replaced the script to use `Write-Output` and it's now working.
You've never scripted on unices, have you? 😉
But seriously - that's kinda obvious. I'd say Write-Output is like writing to stdout whereas Write-Host is more like writing to stderr (yes, I know that this analogy is not 100% correct).
I have very little experience with scripting.
You specified "schedule" setting instead of "interval".
In inputs.conf - Splunk Documentation, it says
[powershell://<name>] schedule = [<positive integer>|<cron schedule>] * How often to run the specified PowerShell command or script. * You can specify a number in seconds, or provide a valid cron schedule. * Default: Runs the command or script once, at startup.
Sorry, you're right. I was checking the "script" input and it has the "interval" parameter whereas powershell indeed has "schedule".
How do you know it's not running (and not just running and producing any results for example)?
What does splunk list inputstatus say?
My definition looks almost identical and works. From what I see you avoided the common pitfall of $SplunkHome so the path is good.
script= . "$SplunkHome\etc\apps\cert_checker\bin\scripts\Splunk-cert-checker.ps1"
schedule = 86400