I am running Splunk on Windows and when I go to add an application, I am getting an error re: the folder name as the application sits in the following directory - C:\Program Files\Splunk\etc\apps\vtLookup\bin
Encountered the following error while trying to save: In handler 'localapps': App folder name cannot contain spaces or special characters.
I tried using quotes for the directory as in "C:\Program Files\Splunk\etc\apps\vtLookup\bin"
, but I still get the same error.
How should the folder name be entered?
Well you will just need to provide an arbitrary folder name in the field. I think what you are doing is providing an absolute windows path which is not correct. Once you provide a folder name, splunk in turn will create the folder with necessary configuration files under $SPLUNK_HOME\etc\apps in this case
It is amazing that nobody could answer this issue. It may be that at the time Keith posted his example, Splunk behaved differently.
However only after I found the source code from Splunk, I could guess is that your and the problem in the example Keith (http://informationonsecurity.blogspot.com/2013/05/splunk-bro-network-security-monitor-and.html ) comes from the source code of local apps.py (https://github.com/edo17/splunk/blob/master/etc/system/bin/localapps.py)
That code suggests that the folder name is in fact appName (lines 39 and 40), which indeed is not allowed to have any slashes or backslashes in the path (appName).
I solved the problem by removing the path and just giving the folder name that would be created under $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps (by default the name folder name would be the same as the name of the app.
Please How are you adding the application? Is it via Splunk Web, or Splunk CLI, or simply a copy and paste?
Via Splunk Web (GUI)
Ok. Please help me understand your problem. So you have installed your application using Splunk Web. Can you explain me the way you go to add an application ??
I'm following the steps from this page - http://informationonsecurity.blogspot.com/2013/05/splunk-bro-network-security-monitor-and.html - to create an app for a lookup for Virus Total, and it talks about creating a generic application