I send daily 50 GB raw data from my machines to Splunk for indexing
what will be the size of the data after it got indexed ?
Will this be the same 50 Gb or indexed data will have less size ?
Hi splunker12er,
it all depends on your raw data, but basically you can say compression between 30-50% are normal, you can check this with this search:
| dbinspect index=YOURINDEX
| fields state,id,rawSize,sizeOnDiskMB
| stats sum(rawSize) AS rawTotal, sum(sizeOnDiskMB) AS diskTotalinMB
| eval rawTotalinMB=(rawTotal / 1024 / 1024) | fields - rawTotal
| eval compression=tostring(round(diskTotalinMB / rawTotalinMB * 100, 2)) + "%"
| table rawTotalinMB, diskTotalinMB, compression