I am running multiple Splunk instances on the same machine, located in /opt as follows:
/opt/splunk3 ... etc
I need to upgrade Splunk Enterprise to a newer version, I tried using the following RPM command:
sudo rpm -Uvh --relocate=/opt/splunk=/opt/splunk1 splunk.rpm
But I received the following error message:
path /opt/splunk in package splunk is not relocatable
I tried using a .tgz file instead, but it's also not working.
sudo tar -xzf splunk.tgz -C /opt/splunk1
Can anyone recommend a way to upgrade Splunk on all my instances?
One hack could be
That will repackage splunk version without splunk/ directory prefix.
Now just go to /opt/splunk1 etc. one by one and use /tmp/splunk/splunk-relocated.tgz package as source. Note you must be in /opt/splunk1 not in /opt directory when you are extracting that package!
as you probably know you shouldn't run several instances on same node! You could do this only on your lab environment in all other cases you should use separate VMs for those .
When you have several installation on same node you cannot install those via package manger like rpm. Basically you could have one instance like /opt/splunk which have installed and updated by rpm.
Probably easiest way is to install a new version into /opt/splunk and then just use e.g. rsync to copy a new versions to other directories one by one. Another option (if you have gnu tar) is try
cd /opt/splunk1 && tar --strip-components 1 -xvf <path>/splunk-xyx.tgz
r. Ismo
Hi @isoutamo
Thank you for your reply!
I tried your recommendation but unfortunately it didn't work. Do you have any other recommendation that might work?
Thank you.
One hack could be
That will repackage splunk version without splunk/ directory prefix.
Now just go to /opt/splunk1 etc. one by one and use /tmp/splunk/splunk-relocated.tgz package as source. Note you must be in /opt/splunk1 not in /opt directory when you are extracting that package!
Thank you @isoutamo this worked perfectly!