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Universal forwarder Sourcetype name changes itself

New Member


a Universal Forwarder (7.0.1) is watches an textfile. The parameter are following:

host = RBD9EUFN

index = rbg_ff1_stand_allone_ant2
sourcetype = rbg_ff1_stand_allone_ant2_sourcetype

crcSalt = <SOURCE>
followTail = 1 

The strange thing is, the sourcetype name changes itself! Why?

alt text

0 Karma


Hello @ea7777777 ,

are the log files in this folder being renamed? If yes, do they have the similar suffix (1-2-2-2)?

check on indexer (and on UF too, if you use INDEXED_EXTRACTIONS or local_processing) if there is any sourcetype renaming in any transforms.conf file:

on linux:

grep -Er MetaData:Sourcetype /opt/splunk/etc/*

on Windows:

findstr /s MetaData:Sourcetype c:\ProgramFiles\Splunk\etc\*

or by using btool

splunk btool transforms list --debug |grep MetaData:Sourcetype

splunk btool transforms list --debug |findstr MetaData:Sourcetype
0 Karma


The host name in your screen shot does not match the host name in your config.

If this reply helps you, Karma would be appreciated.


Try this instead:

tstats count where index=rbg_ff1_stand_allone_ant2 by sourcetype
An upvote would be appreciated and Accept Solution if it helps!
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