How to get the total hours rendered if i have fields start_time and end_time
ex. 09:00-18:00 = 9
As suggested by @linu1988, you would have to convert your start_time and end_time to epoch for it. Try this.
your base search ..| eval time_diff=floor(strptime(start_time,"%H:%M")-strptime(end_time,"%H:%M")/3600) | of the search
Also note that you may have to adjust timestamp format for strptime command. Based on your sample values (09:00, 18:00) its "%H:%M". The format should be exactly as in your field value.
You need to do some query. if you have the time in epoch format the work is easier or you need to convert them to epoch and then get the time difference.
source=x |eval start=strptime("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S,start_time )|eval end=strptime("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S",end_time)|eval hr=(end-start)/3600|eval hr=floor(hr)
for minutes and second you need to calculate. The difference will not give you the correct result if direct the convert it using strftime().
In your example, are the 09:00 and 18:00 elapsed time or time of day?