Getting Data In

TailingProcessor - Could not send data to output queue (parsingQueue), retrying...


I have not been able to find a solution although there are questions with the same/similar symptom.
My log files are not being forwarded. I am getting this message in my splunkd.log file

INFO TailingProcessor - Could not send data to output queue (parsingQueue), retrying...

It does not look like a blocking queue since all of their current sizes are 0 and there is no blocking=true.

From the metrics.log file

09-28-2011 13:04:51.939 -0600 INFO Metrics - group=pipeline, name=parsing, processor=readerin, cpu_seconds=0.000000, executes=3, cumulative_hits=2145 
09-28-2011 13:04:51.939 -0600 INFO Metrics - group=pipeline, name=parsing, processor=send-out-light-forwarder, cpu_seconds=0.000000, executes=3, cumulative_hits=2145 
09-28-2011 13:04:51.939 -0600 INFO Metrics - group=pipeline, name=parsing, processor=tcp-output-light-forwarder, cpu_seconds=0.000000, executes=3, cumulative_hits=2145 
09-28-2011 13:04:51.939 -0600 INFO Metrics - group=pipeline, name=parsing, processor=thruput, cpu_seconds=0.000000, executes=3, cumulative_hits=2145 
09-28-2011 13:04:51.940 -0600 INFO Metrics - group=pipeline, name=parsing, processor=utf8, cpu_seconds=0.000000, executes=3, cumulative_hits=2145 
09-28-2011 13:04:51.940 -0600 INFO Metrics - group=thruput, name=index_thruput, instantaneous_kbps=0.000000, instantaneous_eps=0.000000, average_kbps=0.000000, total_k_processed=0, kb=0.000000, ev=0, load_average=0.000000 
09-28-2011 13:04:51.940 -0600 INFO Metrics - group=thruput, name=thruput, instantaneous_kbps=0.130292, instantaneous_eps=0.000000, average_kbps=114.253297, total_k_processed=127486, kb=4.039062, ev=3, load_average=0.000000 
09-28-2011 13:04:51.940 -0600 INFO Metrics - group=map, name=pipelineinputchannel, current_size=20, inactive_channels=1, new_channels=0, removed_channels=0, reclaimed_channels=0, timedout_channels=0, abandoned_channels=0 
09-28-2011 13:04:51.940 -0600 INFO Metrics - group=per_host_thruput, series="", kbps=0.130292, eps=0.096774, kb=4.039062, ev=3, avg_age=0.333333, max_age=1 
09-28-2011 13:04:51.940 -0600 INFO Metrics - group=per_index_thruput, series="_internal", kbps=0.130292, eps=0.096774, kb=4.039062, ev=3, avg_age=0.333333, max_age=1 
09-28-2011 13:04:51.940 -0600 INFO Metrics - group=per_source_thruput, series="/usr/local/mwradmin/splunkforwarder/var/log/splunk/metrics.log", kbps=0.130292, eps=0.096774, kb=4.039062, ev=3, avg_age=0.333333, max_age=1 
09-28-2011 13:04:51.940 -0600 INFO Metrics - group=per_sourcetype_thruput, series="splunkd", kbps=0.130292, eps=0.096774, kb=4.039062, ev=3, avg_age=0.333333, max_age=1 
09-28-2011 13:04:51.940 -0600 INFO Metrics - group=queue, name=tcpout_mwr003lx.domain.com_8090, max_size=512000, current_size=0, largest_size=0, smallest_size=0 
09-28-2011 13:04:51.940 -0600 INFO Metrics - group=queue, name=aeq, max_size_kb=500, current_size_kb=0, current_size=0, largest_size=0, smallest_size=0 
09-28-2011 13:04:51.940 -0600 INFO Metrics - group=queue, name=aq, max_size_kb=10240, current_size_kb=0, current_size=0, largest_size=0, smallest_size=0 
09-28-2011 13:04:51.940 -0600 INFO Metrics - group=queue, name=auditqueue, max_size_kb=500, current_size_kb=0, current_size=0, largest_size=0, smallest_size=0 
09-28-2011 13:04:51.940 -0600 INFO Metrics - group=queue, name=fschangemanager_queue, max_size_kb=5120, current_size_kb=0, current_size=0, largest_size=0, smallest_size=0 
09-28-2011 13:04:51.940 -0600 INFO Metrics - group=queue, name=indexqueue, max_size_kb=500, current_size_kb=0, current_size=0, largest_size=0, smallest_size=0 
09-28-2011 13:04:51.940 -0600 INFO Metrics - group=queue, name=nullqueue, max_size_kb=500, current_size_kb=0, current_size=0, largest_size=0, smallest_size=0 
09-28-2011 13:04:51.940 -0600 INFO Metrics - group=queue, name=parsingqueue, max_size_kb=6144, current_size_kb=0, current_size=0, largest_size=2, smallest_size=0 
09-28-2011 13:04:51.940 -0600 INFO Metrics - group=queue, name=tcpin_queue, max_size_kb=500, current_size_kb=0, current_size=0, largest_size=0, smallest_size=0 
09-28-2011 13:04:51.940 -0600 INFO Metrics - group=realtime_search_data, system total, drop_count=0 
09-28-2011 13:04:51.940 -0600 INFO Metrics - group=search_concurrency, system total, active_hist_searches=0, active_realtime_searches=0 
09-28-2011 13:04:51.940 -0600 INFO Metrics - group=tcpout_connections, mwr003lx.domain.com_8090:, sourcePort=8089, destIp=, destPort=8090, _tcp_Bps=13.93, _tcp_KBps=0.01, _tcp_avg_thruput=0.05, _tcp_Kprocessed=55, _tcp_eps=0.03

The forwarder is connecting to our splunk server, but none of logs are being forwarded.

Any help or suggestions would greatly help.


Tags (3)

Super Champion

Just FYI, the search for blocking=true should be blocked=true.

0 Karma


check app.conf whether it looks good

0 Karma

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

I have seen this error caused by a mis-configured outputs.conf/inputs.conf.
Ensure the listening port on the indexer is a configured receiver for spunktcp and not the port of splunkd.
Below is a simple example.





defaultGroup = Test


server =

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