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Splunk Stream TA stops streamfwd


Hi Splunkers,

Is there any way to get rid of this knonw issue on Stream app ? 

Currently, I'm collecting DNS logs via Stream App on windows servers and streamfw.exe stopping without any reason somehow but UF is still running. This is a known issue written in the Stream docs.

When I dig into the internal logs and server logs, I couldn't find any related logs. 

now, I wrote a py to add a new txt file on Deployment server and reload the class then erase it for every 12 hours.

this is my little workaround but Its not efficient, I can't know when  they stops streaming and it means losing data till UFs restart time. 

Do you guys any other workaround for that ? 


the known issue is;

Windows: Capture stops with "pcap_loop returned error code -1 read error: PacketReceivePacket failed; network capture stopped" and isn't restarted

Manually re-configure streams for the forwarder to resume or restart Splunk Forwarder service in Windows




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