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Splunk ODBC Driver Visual C++ Redistributable Requirement

New Member


Is the ODBC Driver Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable requirement, a hard requirement, or minimum requirement. Will the ODBC driver work with Visual C++ 2017/higher Redistributable.

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I believe it requires the 2010.  Which feels odd to me since they just released a new version of the ODBC driver, didn't they?


Anyway, what prompts this question?  Did you try without the 2010 version and it won't work?  Or did you try it with 2017 and it does work, so you are wondering if it'll break in some weird way later?


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New Member

We are in the process of packaging/deploying the latest OBDC driver. Our network folks have been trying to limit the VC++ 2010 footprint in our environment, and push everyone to the latest version. So they just wanted confirmation as to whether or not the ODBC would work with the higher version of VC++.

One would think the latest ODBC driver would work with the latest VC++ Redistributable. But I couldn't find anything in their documentation stating one way or the other. We haven't done any testing yet. I figured I'd just throw the question out there first.

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