Hi all,
In certain search, Splunk returns DNS hostnames, for example:
To facilitate sorting, I'd like to have the names displayed in reverse order across the dots, e.g.:
I've found some examples that suggest how to change word order but Splunk rejects it during search:
sourcetype=dns | rex field=domain mode=sed "s/\n/!G;s/\(.\)\(.*\n\)/&\2\1/;//D;s/.//"
Yields: Error in 'rex' command: Failed to initialize sed. Invalid option string: (.)(.*\n)/&\2\1/;//D;s/.//
folkstalk [dot] com/2011/12/methods-to-reverse-string-using-unix.html
programmingforums [dot] org/post188712.html
Starting with a field: domain, you can do the following:
| eval domain_reversed=split(domain,".")
| eval domain_reversed=mvreverse(domain_reversed)
| eval domain_reversed=mvjoin(domain_reversed,".")
| sort domain_reversed
This splits the field into a multivalued field called domain_reversed with the values separated by the dot, then reverses the order of the resulting multivalued field, then joins the results back together and sorts on the resulting field.
I've not written it yet, but my plan to handle this is to write a dynamic lookup that does the equivalent of this (in perl):
$sortable_name=~s{(\d+)}{sprintf "%09d", $1}g;
$sortable_name=join('.', reverse(split(/\./, $sortable_name)));
return $sortable_name;
So given a field with the hostname, it'd return a new field with a "sortable name." You could sort on that field, and then remove it from the results.