I am trying to figure out how to reroute a specific host to a different index.
For example, search results of host=1234test shows in index=best_life...
How would I change the index of host1234 from best_life to fall into a different index that exist already ie. (index=other_index)..
Use props.conf and transforms.conf for this..
TRANSFORMS-routing_for_norris_index = route_to_norris_index
DEST_KEY = _MetaData:Index
REGEX = chuck
FORMAT = norris
This will route all events containing chuck into the norris index.
please find the below link for more detailed info:
Also, If this reply helps you, an upvote would be appreciated.
Check the inputs.conf files on that host. Change all instances of "index=best_life" to "index=other_index" and restart Splunk on that host.
Data that is already in index=best_life cannot be moved, but you can use the collect command to copy events to another index. This will affect your license usage.