I have a JSON log where the key of an element contains dots. A brief example:
"a.b.c": {
"d": 10
Using SPATH function with "a.b.c.d" for the path attribute does not work; but I don't know how to express what in Javascript would be ["a.b.c"].d
Any idea on how to handle this case?
I would love to know how to do this!
Same here.
Is the whole log JSON?
If so, can you set the KV_MODE to json and see if that gives you the fields you need?
## props.conf
KV_MODE = json
What happens if not all the data is JSON? Can I specify by sourcetype?
What fields do you get in the field picker?
Log content is already recognized as JSON, and Splunk visualizes matching events as expandable objects (instead of plain grid, as it does when showing regular log entries).
But the problem is that if I try to use a key containing dots in its name (e.g. "a.b.c") than Splunk is not able to match it against anything, as it consider it as key "a", containing key "b", containing key "c": { "a": { "b": { "c": "value" } }}
But my log looks like this: { "a.b.c": "value" }