Hi Splunkers,
When UFs are installed, I don't want them to send all the events which were generated prior to UF was installed.
I just want UF to start sending logs when it was installed.
Is there a way to conf this?
To be honest we need to reinstall UFs for some reason and don't want the reinstalled UF to resend the previous events
If you reinstall the UF without uninstalling it then it will not re-index any data.
If you must delete the UF then be sure to preserve the fishbucket directory.
Windows is quite happy to install new versions of Splunk UF without uninstalling the existing one. I've not tried re-installing the same version.
To clear credentials, just remove the %SPLUNK_HOME%\etc\passwd file and restart the UF with a new user-seed file. To clear configs, just delete the relevant .conf file(s) and restart the UF.
Preserving the fishbucket is very reliable.
If you reinstall the UF without uninstalling it then it will not re-index any data.
If you must delete the UF then be sure to preserve the fishbucket directory.
Thanks for the reply @richgalloway ,
I doubt of Windows server will allow reinstall by not uninstalling the existing one, (reinstalling will clear credentials and confs right?? That is what I want to be specific)
If we preserve fishbucket and paste it again to the newly installed server how reliable it would be ?