Hi all,
Is there a way to "nice" a scripted input process so that it doesn't swamp the CPU? I have a scripted input on a LWF that is fairly CPU intensive if you just let it run. I'd like to "nice" it down to a level where it doesn't swamp the CPU.
The script doesn't need to run in a certain amount of time, so just nicing it down should be ok. I'm open to other approaches as well if people have solved this a different way. It would also be good to know how to do this on a Windows machine as well.
Thanks, Curt
You could simply wrap your program inside a shell script that calls your program with "nice", and call that one as your scripted input instead:
nice -10 myprogram
You could simply wrap your program inside a shell script that calls your program with "nice", and call that one as your scripted input instead:
nice -10 myprogram
I would highly recommend throttling utilization within your script rather than relying on NICE, both for portability and for performance reasons. In other words, if your scripted input is causing a resource problem on your machine, then you are just band-aiding the process by using NICE.