How to split multivalue field, e.g. JSON array elements (value😞
"id": 4321,
"value": [
5, 6, 7, 8
id | value
4321 5 6 7 8
to multiple fileds with some index remaining one event:
id | value_0 | value_1 | value_2 | value_3
4321 5 6 7 8
Thank you!
@yurykiselev, please try the following run anywhere search which mimics two JSON data one with 4 values and another with three. The commands from | makeresults
till | fields - _raw _time
generates the dummy data, instead of which you would need to use your current search.
| makeresults
| eval _raw=" {
\"id\": 4321,
\"value\": [
5, 6, 7, 8
| append
[| makeresults
| eval _raw=" {
\"id\": 1234,
\"value\": [
1, 2, 3
| spath
| fields - _raw _time
| rename "value{}" as value
| eval values_count=mvcount(value)+1
| eval counter=mvrange(1,values_count)
| eval value=mvzip(value,counter)
| fields - counter values_count
| mvexpand value
| eval value=split(value,",")
| eval counter="value_".mvindex(value,1),value=mvindex(value,0)
| chart values(value) by id counter
| fillnull value=0
@yurykiselev, would there be 4 values under value
list or it can be any number of values?
It can be any
Can you try :
| makeresults | eval abc="5 6 7 8"|eval temp=split(abc," ") | eval mv1 = mvindex(temp, 0) | eval mv2 = mvindex(temp, 1) | eval mv3 = mvindex(temp, 2) | eval mv4 = mvindex(temp, 3)
It's good idea:
eval mv1 = mvindex(temp, 0) | eval mv2 = mvindex(temp, 1) | eval mv3 = mvindex(temp, 2) | eval mv4 = mvindex(temp, 3)
, but size of value is variable and I need to create mv1..n dynamically
Depends on the consistency of the value field but if it's always 4 numbers you could use something like this:
| rex field=value "(?P<value_0>\d+)\s(?P<value_1>\d+)\s(?P<value_2>\d+)\s(?P<value_3>\d+)"