Usually first few line have issue, I suspect the Application still writing the log to the log file but splunk try to read the log file
Can we setup splunk to wait ?
The following worked for me a couple of times - How do I remove \x00 characters from my log message?
you can not (easily) delay ingestion of data, but see this post for help:
Thanks, my splunk is Windows Server, and the log file we didnt install the agent to forward the log.
we just monitor it by file share
Doesn´t matter if forwarder or fileshare monitor.
Can you give more details about your problem. An example probably.
example, in the index, i will see below event
1 . \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\ ................................................
2 .#Software: Microsoft Exchange Server
Right. If you look at the url I posted you can see the solution -
Automatically at parsing ("indexing") time for any new data, in props.conf
SEDCMD-remove_nulls = s/\\x00//g