i need to masking email on my data, i'm tring using transforms.com but
REGEX = ([A-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-z0-9.-]+\.[A-z]{2,63})
FORMAT = ********@*********
DEST_KEY = _raw
if I do this the entire log is masked, however I want only the email to be masked,
please can someone help me
The easier way to mask data is with SEDCMD in props.conf.
SEDCMD-emailaddr-anonymizer = s/([A-z0-9\._%+-]+@[A-z0-9\.-]+\.[A-z]{2,63})/********@*********/g
The easier way to mask data is with SEDCMD in props.conf.
SEDCMD-emailaddr-anonymizer = s/([A-z0-9\._%+-]+@[A-z0-9\.-]+\.[A-z]{2,63})/********@*********/g