Hello All,
For an event like this -
CPU uPct nPct sPct wPct iPct
all 0.63 0.00 0.38 0.00 98.99
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
1 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 99.00
2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
I want to extract the iPct value for the all row. For some reason my split and mvindex commands are not working properly. This is what I have tried -
*<base search>*
| rex field=_raw "all(?<cpuUsage>.*)\\n"
| eval cpuFields = split(cpuUsage, " ")
| eval cpuIdle = mvindex(cpuFields,4)
| table _time, cpuIdle
The separation works fine, but may be I am doing something wrong with the mvindex? Please advise!
Thank you
The problem might be that there are multiple spaces between the values.
Since you only want the last value on the line, this would be simpler.
*<base search>*
| rex field=_raw "all.*\s(?<cpuIdle>\S+)$"
...or if you wanted everything on the all line...
| rex "^(?<CPU>all)\s+(?<uPct>\S+)\s+(?<nPct>\S+)\s+(?<sPct>\S+)\s+(?<wPct>\S+)\s+(?<iPct>\S+)$"
...or on all lines...
| rex "^(?<CPU>\S+)\s+(?<uPct>\S+)\s+(?<nPct>\S+)\s+(?<sPct>\S+)\s+(?<wPct>\S+)\s+(?<iPct>\S+)$"
Thank you. A bit crude, but this worked for me -
| rex field=_raw "all(?:.*) (?<cpuIdle>([0-9]|\.)+)\\n"
It would still be interesting to find out why my SPLIT didn't work as expected!
what does cpuidle return for you?
i think maybe, you need to use -
| eval cpuIdle = mvindex(cpuFields,5) to get ipct values?
Can you please post a screen shot of what your CURRENT query returns?
My cpuidle shows up blank.
_time cpuUsage cpuFields cpuIdle
2017-10-04 22:00:17 2.02 0.00 1.01 0.00 96.97 2.02