I'm using Splunk Enterprise 9 on Windows Server 2019 and monitoring a simple log file that has CRLF lines endings and is encoded as UTF8. My inputs stanza is as follows:
disabled = 0
sourcetype = my_sourcetype
Consider two consectuive lines in the log file
Some data 1
Some data 2
When indexed this creates a single event rather than my expectation of 2 events.
Where am I going wrong?
What are the props.conf settings for [mysourcetype]?
I dont have one as I didn't think I needed one for something this simple. I have tried just now though adding this to no avail
LINE_BREAKER = ([\r\n]+)
Is there any tooling (btool perhaps) that would tell me what props/transfroms are being applied to my sourcetype? Even if I drop the sourcetype form my inputs.conf the issue perists
You could use btool to look what is applied to your sourcetype, BUT if there is also apply to source or host something those will override sourcetype definitions. Unfortunately I don't know if there is any tool which can show to you which of those are applied ;-(
So I spun up a new Splunk instance in Podman (completely clean) and ingested the same file and the behaviourt is the same with no line breaking! This is with UTF8 encoding and CRLF or LF endings. So I went into the UI and created a sourcetype for it:
LINE_BREAKER = ([\r\n]+)
category = Custom
pulldown_type = 1
Now working on but not on 9.1.2 😞