I am getting the log file imported to Splunk, but each line is an event with no field name. Can I break up the line into columns? If not, how do I parse the line to extract a number?
Index is:
index=test_7d sourcetype=kafka:producer:bigfix
Events are:
2023-06-22 09:15:44,270 root - INFO - 114510 events have been uploaded to topic DC2_Endpoint_Configuration_IBM_BigFix_Patch_Join on Kafka
2023-06-22 09:15:37,204 root - INFO - Executing getDatafromDB
2023-06-22 09:15:35,704 root - INFO - 35205 events have been uploaded to topic DC2_Endpoint_Configuration_IBM_BigFix_Patch_Join on Kafka
2023-06-22 09:15:33,286 root - INFO - Executing getDatafromDB
2023-06-22 09:15:32,703 root - INFO - 167996 events have been uploaded to topic DC2_Endpoint_Configuration_IBM_BigFix_Patch_Join on Kafka
2023-06-22 09:15:22,479 root - INFO - Executing getDatafromDB
2023-06-22 09:15:19,031 root - INFO - 181 events have been uploaded to topic DC2_Endpoint_Configuration_IBM_BigFix_Patch_Join on Kafka
Each line/event starts with the date, the wordwrap is making it look incorrect. I need to parse the bold number of each line after '- INFO -' and add a zero if no number. I can do this with a eval, but how do I parse if there is no field name to add to the 'regex' command?
Thank you for looking at this problem!
Found the answer:
| rex "INFO - (?<eventCount>\d+)" | fillnull value=0 eventCount
Any help is appreciated, even if it means this is in the wrong category..
I found the erex command that works,
| erex ImportCount examples="0,18729,49377"
But you have to enter a sample of the text you are looking for. So it only works for one day and it has to be changed. Can regex be used in place of the examples?
For example, here I'm using 'regex' to remove Operating Systems from dataset on a fieldname 'operating_system' which is one column of an sourcetype:
| regex operating_system!="(Linux|AIX|CENTOS|WINDOWS|Digital UNIX|FreeBSD|HP-UX|Hyper-V|Juniper|Mac|Windows|NetBSD|OpenBSD|OpenVMS|Server 2012|Server Core 2012|Server 2016|Server 2019|Ubuntu|Solaris|Unix|ESX|vCenter Server|rbash|[\*\*\*\*\*\*]|\A[\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-]|[\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=\=])"
Found the answer:
| rex "INFO - (?<eventCount>\d+)" | fillnull value=0 eventCount