I am trying to join two searches based on closest time to match ticketnum with its real event e.g.
12:01:00 host=abc status=down
3:05:00 host=abc status=down
12.03:00 host=abc ticketnum=inc123
3:07:00 host=abc ticketnum=inc456
Any idea on how to join these two based on closest time?
try something like below
index=monitoring OR index=ticket
| stats values(*) as * values(status) as status values(ticketnum) as ticketnum by _time, host
| streamstats last(status) as last_status by host
| fields - status
| where isnotnull(ticketnum)
like answer if it solves your problem.
that you would know which fields are required in report. I provided solution based on your query. please provide details.
check my updated answer : added values(*) as * to stats command
try something like below
index=monitoring OR index=ticket
| stats values(*) as * values(status) as status values(ticketnum) as ticketnum by _time, host
| streamstats last(status) as last_status by host
| fields - status
| where isnotnull(ticketnum)
like answer if it solves your problem.
Hi @thambisetty , it seems d-able but the real logs are having much more details. How do we know which fields needs to be written in the streamstats command?