It seems that I can connect to a firebird database, but run into issue JDBC-446
The solution according to the firebird release notes
is to use a jdbcURL in the db_connections.conf:
jdbc:firebirdsql:host/3050:D:/aQrate_Data/DB/MYQLOG?encoding=UTF8, "SYSDBA", "masterkey"
Now somehow it seems that some parser maybe in splunk set the encoding to UTF8, "SYSDBA", "masterkey"
because the message is now:
No valid encoding definition for Firebird encoding UTF8, "SYSDBA", "masterkey" and/or Java charset null
Is there a workaround to set the encodings somewhere else in a splunk db connect apps config file?
Thanks -Gerd
Hi Shyngys,
if I remember correctly I got the connection to work, by ignoring the issue and clicked "Save anyway" in Splunk. I also figured out that the issue might related to missing JDBC Compatibility Test Suite (CTS): „the separator string, always null because catalogs are not supported by database server (see JDBC CTS for details).“, siehe https://www.firebirdsql.org/file/documentation/drivers_documentation/java/2.2.4/docs/org/firebirdsql...
now I have such a mistake java.lang.NullPointerException: null value in entry: db_catalog_separator=null
can I still extract the tables with this error or not if Yes how to do it?
just try it after "save anyway". I was able to extract tables.
did you succeed with the firebird connection?