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Installing db connect

Path Finder

Hello, i hope you're very well.

We have in our enterprise 2 Indexer, 1 Master Node, 1 Search head.

We need use DB Connect. I've been reading documentation for db connect but I don't understand where install and configure it.

Sorry i'm new and my english is a little bad

Thanks for you help in advance

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Ultra Champion

Depending on what you need to use DBX for, its often not a bad idea to consider installing it on a standalone forwarder, however, If you want to be able to use DBX for lookups or as an output from searches, then you need to install it on your search heads.

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Path Finder

Thanks for your answer @nickhillscpl

We don't have standalone forwarder (heavy forwarder). Can we install only search head? Or must be installed on both?

0 Karma

Ultra Champion

If you dont have a HF, then yes - you can install it on the search head.

If my comment helps, please give it a thumbs up!
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