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I am trying to remove all the special characters in the field and replace them with space character using sed mode in rex command.


First I tried to search for chars which aren't alphanumeric and replace them with space character.
source="" | rex mode=sed field="Incident Description" "s/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/ /g"*

This does work fine but when I try the other approach as shown below

Second approach was to find all the special characters and replace them with space character.
source="" | rex mode=sed field="Incident Description" "s/[!@#$%^&()-?/{}<|>\:;]/ /g"

This does display an error: Error in 'rex' command: Regex: missing terminating ] for character class

This the data I was working on

Path Finder
0 Karma

Super Champion

For completion and in order to avoid complicated syntax I would use the following regex instead:

| rex mode=sed "s/\W+/ /g"

Or if you want to have a more granular control:

| rex mode=sed "s/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+/ /g"

Path Finder

how to use this during parsing time or props.conf

0 Karma

Super Champion

Take a look at the following as it'll explain this better than me.

The concept is the same.

0 Karma


Try escaping the special characters

... | rex mode=sed "s/\\[\!\@\#\$\%\^\&\(\)\-\?\/\{\}\<\|\>\\\\\:\;]/ /g""
0 Karma
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