I have downloaded the install file splunkforwarder-6.2.4-271043-SunOS10-sparc.tar.z for a server running solaris10.
I initially tried the following (taken from install guide)
tar -xvzf /tmp/splunkforwarder-6.2.4-271043-SunOS10-sparc.tar.z -C /opt
tar: z: unknown function modifier
Usage: tar {c|r|t|u|x}[BDeEFhilmnopPqTvw@[0-7]][bfk][X...] [blocksize] [tarfile] [size] [exclude-file...] {file | -I include-file | -C directory file}...
I was told to drop the z and use tar -xvf........
But I'm now getting a directory checksum error - see below:
tar -xvf /tmp/splunkforwarder-6.2.4-271043-SunOS10-sparc.tar.z /opt
tar: directory checksum error
I found some feedback about a similar issue, but with an older forwarder version. There was a suggestion to use the zcat command first.
bash-3.2# zcat splunkforwarder-6.2.4-271043-SunOS10-sparc.tar.z
splunkforwarder-6.2.4-271043-SunOS10-sparc.tar.z.Z: No such file or directory
Any help would be appreciated.
Many thanks!
Thank you both for your responses.
A colleague of mine managed to uncompress the tar.z file using;
gzip -d splunkforwarder-6.2.4-271043-SunOS10-sparc.tar.z
I was then able to tar -xvf as originally suggested.
Thank you both for your responses.
A colleague of mine managed to uncompress the tar.z file using;
gzip -d splunkforwarder-6.2.4-271043-SunOS10-sparc.tar.z
I was then able to tar -xvf as originally suggested.
The file that was downloaded from splunk.com was actually splunkforwarder-6.2.4-271043-SunOS10-sparc.tar.Z
not splunkforwarder-6.2.4-271043-SunOS10-sparc.tar.z
. This file is compressed using the compress utility not the gzip utility.
Once you rename the file back to ending with a capital Z instead of a lowercase z ( mv splunkforwarder-6.2.4-271043-SunOS10-sparc.tar.z splunkforwarder-6.2.4-271043-SunOS10-sparc.tar.Z
) then you should be able to run:
zcat splunkforwarder-6.2.4-271043-SunOS10-sparc.tar.Z | tar -xvf - -C /opt
Run gunzip on the .z file to uncompress the tarball. Then run tar -xvf
to extract Splunk.