(edited to give a more accurate example)
I have an input that is json, but then includes escaped json
a much more complex version of the example below (many fields and nesting both outside of message and in the message string), so this isn't just a field extraction of a particular field, I need to tell splunk to extract the message string (removing the escaping) and then parse that as json
"message": "{\"foo\": \"bar\", \"baz\": {\"a\": \"b\", \"c\": \"d\"}}"
I can extract this at search time with rex and spath, but would prefer to do so at index time.
parsing this message with jq .message -r |jq . gives:
"foo": "bar",
"baz": {
"a": "b",
"c": "d"
what I ideally want is to have it look ike:
"message": {
"foo": "bar",
"baz": {
"a": "b",
"c": "d"
I have the similar kind of issue i was facing when using sqs queue,
{"user":"abc","friend":"def"} {"user":"def","friend":"abc"}
{"MessageId": "...", "ReceiptHandle": "...", "MD5OfBody": "...", "Body": "{\"user\":\"abc\",\"friend\":\"def\"}\n{\"user\":\"def\",\"friend\":\"abc\"}", "Attributes": {"SenderId": "...", "ApproximateFirstReceiveTimestamp": "...", "ApproximateReceiveCount": "1", "SentTimestamp": "..."}}
{"MessageId": "...", "ReceiptHandle": "...", "MD5OfBody": "...", "Body": {"user":"abc","friend":"def"}, "Attributes": {"SenderId": "...", "ApproximateFirstReceiveTimestamp": "...", "ApproximateReceiveCount": "1", "SentTimestamp": "..."}}
{"MessageId": "...", "ReceiptHandle": "...", "MD5OfBody": "...", "Body": {"user":"def","friend":"abc"}, "Attributes": {"SenderId": "...", "ApproximateFirstReceiveTimestamp": "...", "ApproximateReceiveCount": "1", "SentTimestamp": "..."}}
This is another issue. In order to get more attention to your question, post it as a new thread.
You should repair this on the outside so that it is valid JSON before splunk eats it. That is the TRUE solution. Be aware that the problem is NOT the escapes, but rather the unquoted fields (i.e. 'message'). In the meantime, you can fix it in SPL like this:
| eval _raw="{
\"message\": \"{\\\"foo\\\": \\\"bar\\\"}\"
| rex mode=sed "s/([\r\n]+\s*)(\w+)/\1\"\2\"/g"
| kv
sorry, my sample should have included quotes around "message" (perils of typing examples in rather than cut-n-paste actual samples)
The original is fully valid json, but with one of the json fields being text that (once it's unescaped) is also valid json
so, if you were to use the jq tool to parse the original
jq .message would return the string {"foo": "bar"} which happens to also be valid json so you could then do a second pass like
jq .message |jq .foo would return the string bar
jq .message.foo will fail as message is a string, not a structure.
the actual contents of message are much more complex (a full nested json structure that has (almost) all the interesting fields that we care about)
I was hoping that there was some way to define a sourcetype parser that would do the json parsing, and then allow me to specify to do the parsing again on the contents of a particular field (like I do with the jq example above)
You can do search-time or index-time field extractions with any ordering/layering that you might like to do using transforms.conf and props.conf. Just dig through the docs and make it happen.
Sorry, mate, but this is counter-productive. It's as if someone asked how to write hello world in C and you responded "Sure, you can write anything in C, just learn it and make it happen". Sounds kinda silly, doesn't it?
in such a case, you need to modify the event before indexing.
With the below event, I have created a source type that will do the same for you.
{"message": "{\"foo\": \"bar\"}"}
{"message": "{\"foo\": \"bar\"}"}
{"message": "{\"foo\": \"bar\"}"}
{"message": "{\"foo\": \"bar\"}"}
{"message": "{\"foo\": \"bar\"}"}
LINE_BREAKER = ([\r\n]+)
SEDCMD-a = s/{\"message\":\s\"/{"message":/g
SEDCMD-b = s/\"}$/}/g
SEDCMD-c = s/\\"/"/g
category = Custom
disabled = false
pulldown_type = true
Note: Just use this trick on your original event.
I hope this will help you.
If any of my replies help you to solve the problem Or gain knowledge, an upvote would be appreciated.
I wouldn't be 100% sure if those are indexed extractions. You have auto-kv in action since the json is interpreted in the search window. You can verify it by searching for indexed values from those "subfields". I'd be tempted to say that they aren't indexed. As far as I understand from the Masa diagrams, indexed extractions happen _before_ transforms are applied so your SEDCMD's won't influence them.
BTW, fiddling with simple text-replacement over a json structure is... risky.
not as elegant as I was hoping (as PickleRick notes, doing a sed on the entire message is risky, consider quotes embedded in a text field anywhere in the message, this would break the message)
You can try in search as well. like
| rename Body as _raw | spath | fields Message BodyJson*| rename Message as _raw | spath | table BodyJson* *
trying to do this at index time, not just search time
I believe that it's already doing a json extraction of the fields in the message, I just need to do a second extraction of the contents of one of those fields. If you were to ask for the contents of message, you would get well formatted json.
I have found that heavy index time extraction speeds up searches compared to search time extraction (less data needs to be fetched due to the increased accuracy of the searches)
I'd rather spend cpu as the data is arriving rather than as users are waiting for results (it significantly improves the perceived performance, even if it takes more total CPU, which I question)
It's not that easy. indexed extractions (and indexed fields in general) have their uses in some cases but it's good to know when and where to use them. Just making fields indexed "because my search is slow" is often not the way to go - it often means that your search is not well-written. There are also other ways of improving search performance.
agreed, but when the data you are likely to be searching on can appear in multiple places in the raw message, being able to extract the field at index time so that at search time you are only retrieving the messages that have the search term in the right place can be a huge win.
(I'm 'new member' with the account for my current company, but have been running Splunk since 2006, so very aware of the trade-offs, but thanks for raising the concern)
OK. It's just that I've seen the "it's slow, let's create indexed fields!" approach too many times 😉
But back to the topic - indexed extractions happen at the beginning of event processing so by default you can't modify your event with transforms (even if you managed to write a "safe" regex for manipulating that json; I always advise great deal of caution when dealing with structured data by means of simple text hacking). See https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/9.0.4/Forwarding/Routeandfilterdatad#Caveats_for_routin...
The only very ugly idea I could have (but I've never tried it and don't know if it's possible at all) would be to modify the event with a transform and then reroute it back to earlier queue (I'm not sure which at the moment; it's a bit unclear to me how far back you'd need to move the event). Apart from the fact that I don't know if it would work at all (or if routing works well only on index queue vs. null queue), even if it worked you'd have to make sure that you don't get into a routing loop and I have no clear idea here how to do it.
So you can see that it's not that easy, unfortunately.
OK, plot thickens. "Normal" rerouting won't work since props/transforms are _not_ processed for indexed extractions.
Since this is a really interesting problem, I gave it some more thought. I'm still not sure if it is possible at all but the only way it could possibly work is if you did it like that (don't have the time to verify it which is a pity actually because the problem itself is nice):
The trick is that after p.3 your stB evend would not have been structured parsed so it should normally hit the transform redirecting it to another queue (I still have no idea if it's possible to push the event that far back, mind you) but after indexed extraction it wouldn't process that transform again (so we'd avoid looping).
But again - while this is the only way it could possibly work if it's at all possible, I'm aware that there are weak spots in this (mostly the p.4 is highly questionable - I'd be tempted to say that Splunk will not push the event back to the queue that far back).
Ugh. First question is why would you want to do index-time extractions. Especially if you have many fields. It will inflate your index sizes.
Secondly, indexed extractions are relatively early in the queue whereas transforms are near the end of it. So you might find it complicated if it was at all possible - probably you'd need ingest-evals with json_extract(). But that would be ver ugly. And might be cpu-intensive.