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How to merge 2 json objects?


Hello, I have an existing json object and I'd like to merge another json object into it. I don't want to combine them into an array. I'd like them merged. Any ideas how I'd do this?



| eval object1=json_object("somekey","value")





| eval object2=json_object("someOtherKey","value")



Combined Value:








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Can you please try this?

| eval object2_keys = json_array_to_mv(json_keys(object2),false()) 
| eval object3=object1 
| foreach mode=multivalue object2_keys 
    [| eval object3=json_set(object3,<<ITEM>>,json_extract(object2,<<ITEM>>))
| table object1 object2 object3


My Sample Search :


| makeresults 
| eval object1=json_object("somekey","value") 
| eval object2=json_object("someOtherKey","value","aaa","bbb") 
| eval object2_keys = json_array_to_mv(json_keys(object2),false()) 
| eval object3=object1 
| foreach mode=multivalue object2_keys 
    [| eval object3=json_set(object3,<<ITEM>>,json_extract(object2,<<ITEM>>))
| table object1 object2 object3


Screenshot 2022-09-27 at 12.45.55 PM.png

I hope this will help you.


If any of my replies help you to solve the problem Or gain knowledge, an upvote would be appreciated.

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