Hi Splunkers,
How to ingest binary files to splunk? i get error ," ignored due to binary file".
Any help would be appreciated.
Many thanks
Splunk is a text-based platform and so will not ingest binary files. It makes little sense to do so since Splunk will not be able to search or visualize the binary data
What is your use case? Perhaps there is another solution.
is there any charset attribute which help converts binary to human readable format?
so i would use it in my props on forwarder.
See if this answer helps you. https://community.splunk.com/t5/Getting-Data-In/How-to-Splunk-the-SAP-Security-Audit-Log/m-p/380913
I'm trying to onboard SAP Audit log files to splunk but it is in binary format.
i used below props.conf but doesn't seem to be working as expected.
detect_trailing_nulls = false
index = sap_testindex
sourcetype = sap:test