Hi all,
I am getting event like this
Im trying to get total values with the comma separated but I am not getting them.
I have written this basic query:
index="****" var=***| head 1 | table val
But it is not working, please help me out.
index="****" var=***| head 1|eval new=_raw | eval neew=split(new,"var=***,val=")| table neew | makemv delim="," neew|mvexpand neew |streamstats count | where count!=1 | fields - count
index="****" var=***| head 1|eval new=_raw | eval neew=split(new,"var=***,val=")| table neew | makemv delim="," neew|mvexpand neew |streamstats count | where count!=1 | fields - count
can you share one sample event of your raw data?
Also try this
index="" var=*
| head 1
| table val
| rex field=val mode=sed "s/val\=//g"
let me know if this helps!
For the example event you showed us - what would be your desired result?
i want out put like this