How can I get the "host" value extracted from a JSON event with "INDEXED_EXTRACTIONS = json" into the events host field?
By default, this value ends up in the extracted_host value, and the following INGEST_EVAL does not work:
INGEST_EVAL = host:=extracted_host, extracted_host:=null()
Answered this question myself.
The "extracted_host" is actually still "host" in the _meta key, so the solution is to force Splunk to read the _meta key for its value.
INGEST_EVAL = host:=$field:host$, $field:host$:=null()
Answered this question myself.
The "extracted_host" is actually still "host" in the _meta key, so the solution is to force Splunk to read the _meta key for its value.
INGEST_EVAL = host:=$field:host$, $field:host$:=null()