Hi Splunkers,
I want to get the count of forwarders that are reporting from each application/Workspace.
Example: I have created 4 apps/workspace for 4 different teams.
So now I want to get the count of forwarders that are reporting from each application/Workspace
Is there any search which can give me the above information in a single search ?
Thanks in advance,
Hi yu94,
you could create a lookup with your application/Workspace (es. AppWork.csv) in which there are indexes or sourcetypes or another field that is unique used in your applications, something like this:
App Index Sourcetype
App1 index1 sourcetype1
App1 Index1 sourcetype2
App2 index2 sourcetype3
and then (using sourcetype) run a search like this
| inputlooup AppWork.csv
| eval count=0
| append [ index=* | stats count by sourcetype]
| stats sum(count) AS Total by sourcetype
| lookup AppWork.csv sourcetype OUTPUT App
| stats values(sourcetype) AS sourcetype sum(Total) AS Total by App
You could limit your results inserting in the sub-search the correct indexes (I don't know them) and (if you have other sourcetypes than the lookup) eventually filter sub-search by your lookup:
| inputlooup AppWork.csv
| eval count=0
| append
[ index=* [ | inputlooup AppWork.csv | dedup sourcetype | fields sourcetype]
| stats count by sourcetype
| stats sum(count) AS Total by sourcetype
| lookup AppWork.csv sourcetype OUTPUT App
| stats values(sourcetype) AS sourcetype sum(Total) AS Total by App