This is the sample of the event field, start from EID are the data ingest from app, how can I get the output in last 3 days the hostname do not have any event come in the Splunk
2019-03-12 08:25:57 EID="267252209", EDT="2019-03-12 08:25:57.0", RULE_NAME="RULE1", HOSTADDR="", HOSTAME="SERVER1"
Anyone can help?
Anyone can help?
I just added a comment below, please try that and let me know how you get on.
You can use the metadata from your deployment to find hosts which have previously sent events, but have not done so recently
| metadata type=hosts index=_internal | eval oldest=now()-lastTime | where oldest>86400*3
You may want to run this over a long time period, such as 30 days - this will show you hosts which have sent you something in the last month, but NOT in the last 3 days.
I search all time but no result display
Do you have access to _internal
I'm using the relevant index name and sourcetype for my env
| metadata type=secevent index=sec l | eval oldest=now()-lastTime | where oldest>86400*3
you cant specify type
in a metadata search, only metadata that was created at indextime.
| metadata type=hosts index=sec | eval oldest=now()-lastTime | where oldest>86400*3
If I understand your query correctly you want to have a list of all hosts, which have NOT sent an event to Splunk in the last 3 days?
To achieve this you first need to have a list of all hosts you are expecting to send, so you have the values to compare against. Then you can write a query to show you all hosts that have not reported.
I assume, your events have extracted fieldnames here (if not, please advise), and you have created a lookup CSV containing all hostnames you expect. Your query then would look like this:
| inputlookup yourhostnames.csv | search NOT [search <your_base_query_returning_the_events> earliest=-3d | dedup HOSTNAME | table HOSTNAME]
all the event send to this index and source, I don't want compare just look up existing event "HOSTNAME" and output the "HOSTNAME" no event more than 3 days
index=sec sourcetype="secevent"