I am trying to compare dns log to a list of suspicions domain
my dns log look like that :
and the domain list i want to check is
trying to do it by rex or string with no success
For regex, assuming it is in a field named "request", try
| rex field=request "(?<domain>[^\.]*\.[^\.]*)$"
Out the other end, if I didn't mess it all up because this was a pain to do on a phone, you should have a field domain that is what you want.
(EDIT: dur. First sip of coffee went in, actual answer came out.)
Have you tried the GetWatchList
For regex, assuming it is in a field named "request", try
| rex field=request "(?<domain>[^\.]*\.[^\.]*)$"
Out the other end, if I didn't mess it all up because this was a pain to do on a phone, you should have a field domain that is what you want.
(EDIT: dur. First sip of coffee went in, actual answer came out.)
Thanks it's working grate
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