This is my Logs
{ [-]
line: 2019-03-20T11:33:06.942Z info: Response: ServiceName: Pharmacy.findPharmacy; URI: /findpharmacy/; TranasactionStartTime: 1553081580; TransactionEndTime: 1553081586; StatusCode: 0000; refId: 50ab9d41ab2ee8abc0664f3f17a0df57;
source: stdout
tag: pharmacyv3caremark.2.6jus1ayt1c9ejdnxd1qi356lx;30997f60e91e;
I need extract ServiceName TranasactionStartTime TransactionEndTime StatusCode refId
That's not valid json, but i wonder if that's because some characters have been stripped.
When you post raw text you should use the code formatter tool which looks like 101010
Can you confirm if this data has been indexed as _json (it looks like maybe it has) in which case the fields may have been extracted already.