Hi Guru,
How do we exclude 0% process usage from Hostmetrics? We would like to capture those process have >0% usage only..
Appreciate if you can provide the sample.
collection_interval: 10s
# System processes metrics, disabled by default
process: (filter / exclude 0% process usage)
Replied from Splunk Support : unfortunately, it looks like it's not possible to exclude process metrics which have 0% value
Replied from Splunk Support : unfortunately, it looks like it's not possible to exclude process metrics which have 0% value
Samples: -
Include : * Process > 0%
Exclude : * Process = 0%
These appear to be screenshots - Splunk doesn't ingest these very well.
I would like to have something like this:-
PS > Get-Counter '\Process(*)\% Processor Time' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty CounterSamples | Sort-Object -Property cookedvalue -Descending | Where-Object CookedValue -gt 0
*** There are thousand of 0% process which wasted a lot of space and custom metrics license.
Please provide some sample raw events that you are trying to ingest, both the ones you want to keep and the one you want to exclude.
Please can you provide some sanitised events so we can see what you are dealing with?