I have a search that gives me two groups separated by two different sources but I do not want to have the source path showing, I want to rename it, how can I do that?
For example, to show sourcegroup1 and sourcegroup2?
Like this:
... | rex field=source mode=sed "s/\/.*$//"
Multiple ways to approach this
If your list is small, you can use a simple case statement
| eval source=case(match(source, "source1"), "sourcegroup1", match(source, "source2"), "sourcegroup2")
If your list is larger, use a lookup file with the mappings
| lookup <lookupfile> <source-old> as source OUTPUT <source-new >as source
Need to extract part of your source as the new source? refer to the rex
examples provided by @starcher and @mayurr98
Case - https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/8.0.0/SearchReference/ConditionalFunctions
Lookup - https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/8.0.0/SearchReference/Lookup
@arjunpkishore5 it almost did the trick, the first approach. But now it does show anything. I get the column "source" but nothing on each line (no sourcegroup1 or sourcegroup2).
Is the value of source in mixed case? As in , has both upper and lower case characters?
Yes they do, in both sources.
in that case, please change the case statement to the following.
| eval source=case(match(lower(source), "source1"), "sourcegroup1", match(lower(source), "source2"), "sourcegroup2")
match is case sensitive. so I'm force converting the value to lower case so that they match to the lowercase pattern
Didnt work, keep getting them in blank.
Hi, I was away for a few days. Is your issue resolved now ?
Try this:
| makeresults
| eval source="source1/log.log"
| rex field=source mode=sed "s/^[a-zA-Z]+(\d+)\/.*/sourcegroup\1/g"
| makeresults
| eval source="source1/log.log"
| rex field=source "^(?P<source_group>[^\/]+)"
| fields - source